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Ways to make Agile Methodology work in Japanese companies Have you ever wondered why Japan, the global hub of electronics and automotive manufacturing, has failed to embrace the modern software start up culture? Japan’s traditionalist approach towards workplace modernization and innovation methods like Agile especially in larger corporations is one of the reasons why it’s lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to startup culture and software development. Let’s explore more about why the Agile software development fails to work in big Japanese companies or corporations and what we can do to make this methodology work there. Why Agile fails to work in large Japanese companies? Agile development is a fast-paced development method as compared to other traditional models of software and product development. In Agile development, the products are made in various iterations and after each iteration; the customers, users or client review the product at that level completely.   In J


Queen's Gambit inspired Chess set

Eating delicious food and still lose weight?! Impossible, well maybe not...

Steve Jobs Quotes (English & Japanese)

Joining a Sport Tech Startup Company! Check out our very sporty, cool office in Tokyo and in the US!

IoT Challenge 2 - Unibo + NodeRed (SkillCreator) + SNS

IoT Challenge 3 - Smart AI Mirror 「スマートAIミラー」

IoT Challenge 1 - Raspberry PI + BT Scale

AIの時代「日本語?」Is Japanese language ready for AI