

Testing your Iphone app on a real device without paying

Installing 10.5.8 on HP Pavillion Notebook with Windows 7


RHEL / CentOS / RedHat Linux Useful Commands

Simple Singleton pattern in C#

Delegates, Events and Async callbacks

Callback in C++

SIP on Android!

Unresolved External Symbol Error

Signal Theories

Callback in C

Math in Codes


Running Fedora on VMWARE

Base Conversion

Algorithm Cookbook

Creating a simple browser in JAVA

Technology Terms

C++ Cookbook series 1

Japanese Translator in C

Hibernate Tips and Solutions

Running Visual Studio 2008 Project in VS 2005

Codec 101

Is it ok to move jobs now?

Android real-time video

Great utility for deleting line numbers!

Touch event in Windows Mobile

Ericsson SDS

Useful Commands for Androids

Using Eclipse for Android

Ways to Upload an Image to Android

Android - Broadcast Intent Message (Old version)

Android - Activity Action Intent (Old Version)