Android - Activity Action Intent (Old Version)
This is the old version
ADD_SHORTCUT_ACTION - Add a function shortcut to the Android Home Screen
ALL_APPS_ACTION - List all the applications available on the device
ANSWER_ACTION - Answer an incoming call
BUG_REPORT_ACTION - Open the Bug Reporting Activity
CALL_ACTION - Place a call to supplied location
DELETE_ACTION - Delete the specified data
DIAL_ACTION - Open the Dial Activity and dial the specified number
EDIT_ACTION - Provide editable access to the supplied data
EMERGENCY_DIAL_ACTION - Dial an emergency number
FACTORY_TEST_ACTION - Retrieve factory test settings
GET_CONTENT_ACTION - Select and return specified data
INSERT_ACTION - Insert an empty item
MAIN_ACTION - Establish the Activity start point
PICK_ACTION - Pick an item and return the selection
PICK_ACTIVITY_ACTION - Pick a given Activity (returns a class)
RUN_ACTION - Execute the given data
SEARCH_ACTION - Launch a search on the system
SEND_ACTION - Send data without specifying the recipient
SENDTO_ACTION - Send data to the recipient specified
SETTINGS_ACTION - Launch System Settings
SYNC_ACTION - Sync phone data with external source
WALLPAPER_SETTINGS_ACTION - Show settings for modifying the Android Wallpaper
WEB_SEARCH_ACTION - Open Google Search, or another web page if specified
ADD_SHORTCUT_ACTION - Add a function shortcut to the Android Home Screen
ALL_APPS_ACTION - List all the applications available on the device
ANSWER_ACTION - Answer an incoming call
BUG_REPORT_ACTION - Open the Bug Reporting Activity
CALL_ACTION - Place a call to supplied location
DELETE_ACTION - Delete the specified data
DIAL_ACTION - Open the Dial Activity and dial the specified number
EDIT_ACTION - Provide editable access to the supplied data
EMERGENCY_DIAL_ACTION - Dial an emergency number
FACTORY_TEST_ACTION - Retrieve factory test settings
GET_CONTENT_ACTION - Select and return specified data
INSERT_ACTION - Insert an empty item
MAIN_ACTION - Establish the Activity start point
PICK_ACTION - Pick an item and return the selection
PICK_ACTIVITY_ACTION - Pick a given Activity (returns a class)
RUN_ACTION - Execute the given data
SEARCH_ACTION - Launch a search on the system
SEND_ACTION - Send data without specifying the recipient
SENDTO_ACTION - Send data to the recipient specified
SETTINGS_ACTION - Launch System Settings
SYNC_ACTION - Sync phone data with external source
WALLPAPER_SETTINGS_ACTION - Show settings for modifying the Android Wallpaper
WEB_SEARCH_ACTION - Open Google Search, or another web page if specified