Testing your Iphone app on a real device without paying
There's a way to put your application on a real device without paying Apple.. really!
First make a ‘pwned provisioning profile using the KeyChain Access
- Open up Keychain Access in Applications>Utilities.
- Go to Keychain Access>Certificate Assistant>Create a Certificate.
- For ‘Name’, type: iPhone Pwned Developer
- For ‘Identity Type’, leave it as ‘Self Signed Root’.
- For ‘Certificate Type’, choose ‘Code Signing’.
- Check the box for ‘Let me override defaults’.
- Click on Continue, and in the popup box that comes up.
- Type in any number under ‘Serial Number’.
- Leave ‘Validity Period (days)’ alone.
- Click on Continue.
- Fill in the details with whatever you want (not really necessary).
- Click on Continue.
- Click on Continue for the rest of the dialog boxes.
If successfully created, the last screen that shows up should say ‘Your certificate has ben successfully created.”. Click on the Done button, and close out of Keychain Access.
Open up your project settings in Xcode (Project>Edit Project Settings), go to the Build tab, and under ‘Code Signing’, extend ‘Code Signing Identity’, and choose ‘iPhone Pwned Developer’, which should be the name of the certificate you just made above.
Now comes the next step, which is to edit the Info.plist for the iPhoneOS.platform container:
- Open /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist with Property List Editor.
- Look for all ‘XCiPhoneOSCodeSignContext’ VALUES. Replace that with ‘XCCodeSignContext’. There should be two or three to replace.
- Save the file.
- Restart Xcode, and build your app for a device.
You must have the installd patch installed through Cydia on your jailbroken device. You can add the cydia.hackulo.us repo (Manage>Sources>Edit>Add), and install AppSync 3.1.
You should now be running your app on your device, and, oh yeah, you didn’t pay $pple their $99!
original article here: