Try out Android Market Apps on your Emulator
Finally got the Android market working on the emulator. Now, I can reference available applications for my Android Development.
Steps to install Android Market on 1.6
If you have Android virtual device 1.6 setup already then proceed to step 10.
1. Download Android SDK ""
2. Extract the file on your local drive
3. Run the SDK Setup.
4. Download Version 1.6
5. Go to the tools Directory of your Android SDK. In my case, it is on
6. Type "android list target"
7. Note the "id" number of the "1.6" target.
8. Type "android create avd -n ". You can check filename from
"C:\Documents and Settings\\.android\enhanced.avd"
Example: "android create avd -n enhanced -t 2"
9. Create hardware profile. (optional). You can use default and change RAM size if
you want. I changed it to 256. Default is 96MB.
10. Download and unzip this image file here
11. Copy the above file to the location of the enhanced.avd directory.
12. Type "emulator -avd" to execute.
"emulator -avd enhanced"
13. Register to obtain a Google Account.
14. Press keypad "7" to "simulate sliding and closing the keyboard on a real device".
That's it!
Reference Site:
Steps to install Android Market on 1.6
If you have Android virtual device 1.6 setup already then proceed to step 10.
1. Download Android SDK ""
2. Extract the file on your local drive
3. Run the SDK Setup.
4. Download Version 1.6
5. Go to the tools Directory of your Android SDK. In my case, it is on
6. Type "android list target"
7. Note the "id" number of the "1.6" target.
8. Type "android create avd -n
"C:\Documents and Settings\
Example: "android create avd -n enhanced -t 2"
9. Create hardware profile. (optional). You can use default and change RAM size if
you want. I changed it to 256. Default is 96MB.
10. Download and unzip this image file here
11. Copy the above file to the location of the enhanced.avd directory.
12. Type "emulator -avd
"emulator -avd enhanced"
13. Register to obtain a Google Account.
14. Press keypad "7" to "simulate sliding and closing the keyboard on a real device".
That's it!
Reference Site: