Android Service

List all the problems encountered when implementing Android Service

#Issue 1
PendingIntent - This is mostly used in notification to fire the intent if the user clicks on the notification. (Example: SMS Messages)

Here is one issue I encountered while using PendingIntent:

"Not getting the extras after firing the intent as shown in the example"





Service Callback

Actually this is not a problem and I think callbacks were handled quite well in Android service.

This is just a quick tutorial on using the service callbacks.

1. Create your callback AIDL file.

oneway means that the service invocations does not need to wait for a return value. (No blocking)

I assume that you have your main AIDL file. This is use so you can call interact with your service.

Here you need to add your register and unregister functions.

Step 2:

Create your Service by extending service

Step 3:

Create your ArrayList that will hold all the registered classes that wants
to receive your callback messages.


Add your register and unregister functions

Step 4:

Create a function to implement your callback


Just call this function on your service if you want to send messages to your registered classes.

Step 5:

Now all you have to do is register your class

In your main class (Activity).

I register after I receive an instance of your service class

Make sure you bind your main AIDL.

OnResume Function - bind your service

OnPause Function - you can unbind your service

Add unimplemented function in your main

Final Step:


OnPause or OnDestroy - you can unregister so you will not receive messages anymore

That's it.

